Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Please everyone, be safe and remember, Don't Drink and Drive. I love ya'll!! MUAH!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

To You and Yours.....

Have a blessed and safe Christmas and a joyful New Year!!! Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease. ;)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Where to Begin.....

Well, it's been forever since I've posted and I have been dreading posting at all. I'll start with the light stuff.

I finished the socks I started for Mom, started and finished a pair of socks for Dad's wife, Judy, and I am continuing the scarf for Hubby. Also, I have started a pair of wrist warmers for me, having one done and the other begun. I am working my way through my Socks That Rock stash and I am getting antsy to buy more, LMAO. That'll be a while, lol.

I am looking, once again, for a job, as money is getting tighter and tighter with the crappy ass economy of Michigan. I am hoping I can find one that doesn't send my guts to the incinerator, but not holding my breath. ;)

Booga has turned two and is possibly passing through the Terrible Twos. It was HELL ON WHEELS for a bit, but I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel..... (Please, Lord, don't let it be a friggin' train) Still not talking, gabbles away in gibberish that he seems to think I REALLY ought to know and hums. A LOT. No, really, A LOT A LOT. (I think he may be part hummingbird, I dunno) He can say the words, but he apparently chooses not to. He'll say them once and then look at me like, "There. I said it, now GET OFF MY BACK, WOMAN!!!!"

Mouth is doing FABULOUS in his new school and even got an academic award last month. Excuse me while I wipe away a tear of PRIDE!!!!!!! I am so proud of him. He tries so hard in class and excels in his schoolwork. He comes home and tells me things that I can't believe they are learning in Kindergarten. He rocks my world.

Now for the bad stuff.

Mom found out she has breast cancer.

She is having a bi-lateral mastectomy in January, and they are hopeful they can get it all. If not, she will not go forward with any chemo or radiation treatments. That sucks big time, but I can understand where she is coming from. She doesn't want to spend her time left sick as a dog. However, being the selfish child that I am, I want her here forever.

That's all I can say right now.