Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Another Sad Loss

I just saw that Patrick Swayze passed away yesterday after battling pancreatic cancer. My heart goes out to his famiy, who are in my thoughts and prayers. He will be GREATLY missed.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Well, we finally got Mom all moved up here to GR!


(can ya tell I'm a wee bit glad???)

It didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would, due mainly to the fact that Hubby and his buddy Damon did most of the work and did it quicker than a bunny, I tell ya. All her stuff was loaded onto the truck in around 2 hours or so and unloaded the next day in about 3 1/2 or so. It took longer the second day cuz we were trying to empty boxes as they were brought in (some stuff anyway) so we would have room for the furniture and bigger things. And between you and I? If they ever bomb Grand Rapids, I am hauling ass to Mom's. The woman has enough canned goods in her pantry to feed a family of six for a good three months or so, LOL. And we moved them all. *sigh*

It's going to be great having her closer. I will be able to drop in on her and chit chat, she can come over to my house whenever she wants, and I won't have to rush home after an hour drive or so to make sure I am back in time to make dinner or something. It was hard with the hour each way, and then Booga never got his nap, so he was uber cranky.... this will be much nicer.

Well, it's about nap time, so I am off to toss the kids in bed for naps and have a glass of iced tea and some chocky....

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Latest and Greatest

Well, it's been a while since I have posted anything longer than a muddled sentence, LOL. Things have been hectic and I have been avoiding the blog because, well, my Momma used to say, "If you can't say anything nice....come sit by me."


That's not the one I should use, huh?

Anyway, i felt like my blog had been nothing but complaining, and who likes to listen to someone CONSTANTLY complain? Not I. So, I figured I would chill with the pissin' and moanin' and come back when I had something good to say.

When was that last post?

20 years ago?

*snort* So, here we go!

Mouth has been in school for 2 1/2 weeks and he is LOVING it! First grade is really agreeing with the monkey. And I have some great news! Ready?

Wanna know?

He was tested (NWEA testing) and he was so far ahead of the rest of the class in reading, they moved him into a Proficient class!! He will be challenged, instead of getting bored and perhaps tuning out or causing problems, which makes me so glad. My sister and I both read WELL ahead of some of our peers and when we had to read in class, we were chapters ahead of everyone else. We got in trouble for not "being with the class", and rather than let us read ahead, we had to stay behind. (That's when I did most of my note writing, story writing, whispering, sleeping.....)

So, needless to say, I am ECSTATIC!!!!!!!!!!! I always knew my Mouth was sharp, and to have it recognized in school is just awesome. He has challenges he has to work around, but they aren't holding him back in the least! *sniffle* I am so proud of our boy.

Hmmmmmm. Well, in knitting news, I am STILL working on the Love sock (bleah), started another sock in STR Mochaberry, and I really need to get a move on another hat for Hubby. Cold weather is a comin' (or upon us, depending on where ya are in the dang state, LOL) and I promised him the hat and scarf by the next cold spell. GULP

I started cross stitching again, so I wouldn't get bored with the knitting. Sheah, like THAT would happen *laughing until my sides hurt* But I finished a cute Halloween piece, and three Mary Engelbrit tea pots. I have a Halloween snowman in the works now.

Here are a couple pics Hubby took with his cell phone of the new friends the boys made this summer. Kaylin and Dax moved in next door for the summer, and the kids LOVED having them as playmates. Booga and Dax became best buds and greeted each other every time with hugs and big smiles. I think they had their own little language, too! They would chatter to each other through the window and one would nod while the other chattered, and vice versa. It was too cute! Mouth and Booga were so sad to see them go home to Utah, and Booga still asks, "Outside? Play Dax?"

Well, I am off to get something done around this house, even if it's wrong, LMAO.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Quick Update

We've put him back on the meds to due out-of-control behavior. If he had continued this way, there would have been problems in school and I would have ended up in the hospital minus a head because it would have blown up, LOL. My head, that is. *sigh* Lord, please give me the strength and patience I need to make it through this...

Friday, July 3, 2009

I Need A Vaycay

Well, we've taken Mouth completely off the Risperdal due to his massive weight gain. Now, I don't know how I am going to survive life at home with his behavior. If he was difficult and argumentative before, now he is (no exaggeration) ten times worse. I can't ask him to go to the bathroom before we leave the house without a massive meltdown on both our parts. He constantly tells me no. He constantly defies me and does things to antagonize his brother and myself. I truly feel like all I do is yell and it is getting to be embarrassing to me because I start yelling before I even realize it. And I feel bad for Mouth, because I don't think he likes his behavior anymore than I do. He throws tantrums in stores again and gets louder and louder the more I shush him. I just feel like crying all the time and I am so exhausted. The constant screaming at me wears on me to the point where I want to just give in so he will stop and leave me alone.

I am so tired.

Please pass me the bowl of Xanax.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Another Must See!!!

Okay, another blog I read had this great Youtube video. I laughed so hard and grinned ear to ear. Wouldn't it be great if in real life, one could just break into song and dance! I loved how no one was making fun and SO MANY people just joined in. What a great video.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I am so fed up with this whole store that I went to interview at. Once again, I jerked around. They told me that I wouldn't work out because they are looking for people to work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I can. But the availability I put wouldn't work, due to the fact that the store is Union and if they gave me those hours, someone with higher seniority could say they want my hours and they would take them. So they wanted me to work from 6p.m. or so until 1 a.m. Uh, no, can't do it, I have kids and a Hubby that works two weeks a month on nights and has to leave by 12:30. So, I got a handshake and a "No thank you, call us if your availability changes."



I hate that store....

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cross Your Fingers, Say a Prayer, Light a Candle....

Okay, ya'll, I have a second interview set for Wednesday at 10 a.m. So, say a prayer, light a candle, cross your fingers and toes, turn around three times while rubbing your belly and patting your head or whatever you do for luck, LOL. As much as I like staying home in the evenings, we need the extra paycheck. (And I will get to keep some for yarn purchasing!!!!! So, that is extra incentive to get out there and earn me some dough, hee heeeeee.)

In knitting news, I have put my two in-progress socks on hold to work on a Mother's Day gift for my mom. I've been knitting Ballband Dishcloths since she really liked the moss stich cloths I made her for Christmas. I have three done and another on the needles. They knit up REALLY fast and I like knitting them. And I am proud of myself because it is the first color work I've really ever done. It's not fancy colorwork, but I have to carry the extra up the sides so I am feeling a tad clever. ;)

Once those are done, I may knit some for myself, or go back to my socks. I am leaning more towards the socks, because I have use up all my cotton and would have to buy some more to make some Ballbands for me. (Not that I haven't found some cotton at Joann's that I really like, LOL. It is pink, light brown, and white. Reminds me of Neopolitan ice cream. Yummy!)

*signs off to pray REAL hard*

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Would Sweats and a T-Shirt Work????

Okay, so there is a job fair today at our local super-mart-grocery-store place (if you live in Michigan, you know who I refer to. ;D ) and I am heading there to beg for a job after I pick up Hubby from work.

I just realized how much I hate dressing up and my closet shows it. I live in t-shirts and sweats. I have no dress slacks. One skirt and blouse. Two pairs of dress shoes (very much on the casual side-- you know, black with chunky heels) that I can cram my feet into if it is a life or death situation. So, to go to this job fair, I am wearing a nice pair of jeans, a pair of those shoes, and a nice sweater. (I cannot find any pantyhose, though. I may have used them to hang the person who made me wear them last....) I figure if they call me back for an interview, I will go buy some new pantyhose and wear the dressy outfit. (I think the last time I wore it was a funeral....)

My closet is filled with t-shirts, divided into two sections: Lounge shirts and 'Out' shirts. The lounge shirts are ex-'Out' shirts that have been shrunk, grease spattered (I forgot I was wearing an 'out' shirt and proceeded to fry chicken or some such nonsense, or holey). They number in the dozens. Then, I have the few shirts that I wear out. I try desperately to remember to hang them to dry, lest they shrink in the dryer, and change out of them as soon as I am home from somewhere. I have to laugh, because I never go anywhere fancy so when I am able to buy myself clothes, I lean towards t-shirts. (I am all about comfort, ya know) But when I need to go somewhere, like a funeral, job fair, out to eat (other than fast food), or whatever, I curse my choices.

I have two nice sweaters (and two more that I wonder what kind of crack I was smoking when I bought them and have since outgrown, thank goodness) that I like to wear. Once is cotton, in Fall colors with leaves on the front of it and the other is a pretty sageish-forestish green that is 100% merino wool that zips up the front. I love it. It will be a bit warm, I think but that's why God made Degree anti-perspirant, right? So, I think that, jeans, clunky shoes, my hair up, and some make-up should be good.


I hate this crap, LOL.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

All I Can Say Is....

Go to this link. I swear, it will make your day. It made mine! (It's about 7 minutes, but it is worth every second!!)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What do ya'll think????

Would it be totally insane to consider selling ones own plasma, eggs, hair, fillings, kidneys, or what-not to buy the new colors that will be emerging from Blue Moon Fiber Arts soon?


It would?


That's what I get for asking.

*sigh* I can't get a damn job to save my life and I am having seriously-bad-covety-green-eyed-monster thoughts as I look at some blogs that I read.

*weeps bitterly* I wanna go to Sock Camp and Sock Summit and Stitches Midwest!

*throws self on floor and kicks feet*

*sniffle* Okay. I'm alright now.


No, my eyes are normally hazel, why do you ask?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quick Update

The good news is: Mom doesn't have glaucoma. YAY!!! But it is the beginning of cataracts. Boo. But it is fixable, so I shall keep on with my Yay-ing. ;) Hopefully, I get to see her next week while Mouth has a break from school for a few days. I am only an hour away, but it SUCKS in the winter for traveling down there as the highway between us is like the highway to a frozen, blowy, snowy, icy version of hell, LOL. US 131 SUCKS in the winter, as any Michigander will tell you. It runs North/South and is mostly open fields on either side. Winds blow east/west, so if you think about it, that spells wicked treacherous driving conditions. *sigh*

Spring is coming.

Spring is coming.

Is it here yet?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Talk about your HEAT WAVE, eh? *snort*

I am not complaining, mind you. I am ready to throw open these windows and air out the months and months of stale winter air (and stinky Mouth and Booga socks, LOL). Spring can't come fast enough as far as I am concerned. I can hardly wait to be able to just holler "GO OUTSIDE BEFORE YOU DRIVE ME COMPLETELY MAD!!!!" or "Enough television dammit!!! Go PLAY!!!!" and my personal favorite "If you want to run, GO RUN OUTSIDE!" (That one is said nearly everyday, LOL. They do laps in my living room. *sigh*)

Well, in knitting news, I have been doing some of this:

And this:

With some of this thrown in for good measure:

The top is a pair of lace socks I started called Blackrose by Suzi Anvin. Love the pattern. The yarn is STR in Blarney Stone. ADORE the yarn, LOL. I just hope I have enough to finish them, since that color is going on vaycay at BMFA. :(

The middle is a beanie I did for Hubby. Yes, beanie. Not a beanie with a propeller thingy, but like a skullcap I guess. Now that he has shaved his noggin, it fits ever sdo much better.

The bottom is a pair of fingerless mitts that I did for myself in STR Farmhouse. I made them to keep my hands warm while on the puter since it gets so frickin' cold in this damn apartment. I hate cold hands.

I also finished my moms socks which I will post at a later date.

Speaking of Mom, she's not doing so hot. She got the stomach flu that was going around (which I was lucky enough to get as well, but not nearly as bad as she did) and is having problems with her incision sites as well. Not good. Then, the icing on the cake, she got an eye infection and the doctor that looked at it said she may have glaucoma. Can you really be serious?!?! I mean, really. This woman has gone through enough in her life, can't she catch a friggin' break???

I am trying desperately to keep thoughts positive, but this is getting to be ridiculous. Truly. I wish I could do more to help her stay strong and positive. She is not in a good place right now. I try to make jokes and keep her laughing because she has told me that really helps her, but I don't know how much it helps now. If at all.

This too shall pass, right?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Watch Me Do a Backflip!!!!

No really, I honestly think I could!

Mom had her surgery on the 12th and it went well, but for a hiccup or two. I won't go into it right now, as it is late and I need to go to bed. Soon, LOL. She had her follow up appointment today and they got all the cancer!!!! No need for chemo or radiation! *Doing happy dance and cheering very very quietly so as not to wake the sleeping males of the house* I truly feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted. I am so happy and I cannot begin to thank everyone enough who prayed so hard with me for this to go well.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Now I'm gonna go have myself a relieved sniffle and go to sleep!