Okay, so I know I am
REALLY bad banana for not posting in literally
months, but I do have a very good excuse. Well, a fairly good excuse. I have a new job. I won't say where, but I wear red and khaki and the commercials for the place play that really cool Beatles song and have that really cute dog with the red spot over his eye... ahem. Get it? Got it? Good. 'Nuff said. (Loving the job, BTW. Quit Checkers cuz they all be druggies. Literally. In the parking lot. At work. Yikes, and later!)
So. We recently moved into a new apartment (just up the street, same community, just bigger place) and Mouth has made many new friends that he can go outside and play with on a daily basis. Woo to the hoo! Our boy LOVES him some friends. He told me matter of factly that he shall be marrying one of the little girls as soon as he gets big enough. Her Daddy will love to hear that, I'm sure. (Her Daddy and Hubby are becoming good friends as they get to shoot the shit while the kiddos run around trying to break bones and crash bikes)
Well, some of our new neighbors, who shall be called Hippie Chick and Weird Hubby, are a bit on the odd side. Their children are lovely girls, very smart and very nice, and I won't say anything snarky about them. The parents are another story. Okay, well, Hippie was VERY pregnant, and told us off-handedly that she bought an inflatable pool to put in the living room for the birth. I thought, uh, ok, TMI, but thanks. Hold it. Pool in living room for BIRTH!! As in home birth. Okay, nothing wrong with having your baby at home. Way to go, wish I had been that brave. (The c-section would have had to have been performed with my Wustof knives and that's not so good on the blades, you know?) Then she later told Hubby that she plans on putting the pool out for the kids in late July after the baby comes. WHOA! WAIT A MINUTE!! The
same pool? Ew. Ew. *shudder* Ew. Now, I am all for personal rights and choices, and natural birthing and all that crap, but there is no way in HELL I am letting my kid go splashing around in Placenta Pond. No way.
Well, Hubby and I went out to sit on the patio this evening and try out our new patio chairs and we see Weird Hubby toting buckets of something and dumping them down the storm drain in the grassy area that all our kids play in. I though, hmmm. Must've scrubbed the floors or something and went back to chatting with my Hubby. Six buckets later, Weird starts just chucking the contents into the grass. Weird pink tinged contents. No, sheah, that's not... uh, yeah...it's pink. Next thing I know some strange lady comes out of the apartment and joins in the water chucking. Right into the grass where Mouth and all his little friends play. And stomp mud holes. And dig in the dirt. I think, midwife maybe? Nah. They wouldn't be splashing biological waste into the grass like that... Would they?
Then their oldest daughter (around seven) comes out in a cute little 4th of July toga thing with flowers in her hair and is dancing all around. She sees us and says hi and so I say hi. (We have had actual conversations before, really. She and Mouth play all the time) She then goes on to say that this is the best day ever and she no sooner gets that out, then Weird hollers for her to come back in. Okay. Whatever. Then I hear their littlest shout "The baby came today!!!"
All my worst fears are confirmed. Hippie had the baby in the apartment, in the pool and then proceeded to dispose of the leftovers on OUR FUCKING PLAY AREA/LAWN!!!!!!!!!! And down the storm drain. Not sewer, storm drain. Lovely. Isn't there like, oh I don't know, regulations against that kind of thing? I mean really. You know that Weird knew he probably shouldn't be doing this because of the way he roped the kid back into the house. He probably didn't want anyone to know what might be in the twelve thousand buckets.
Maybe I'm a judgemental bitch, but please. Would you want your kids to play on the floor of a labor and delivery room?
Yes, having a baby is natural and wonderful, but it ain't clean.
Oh, you say different?
Okay then.
Tell you what.
How about I pour you a nice cold glass of amniotic fluid. That sound good?
Alright then. When my kid gets dirt in his mouth from that damn yard, you won't judge me for scrubbing his mouth out.