Well, I have returneth. It's rather funny when I think that I *tsk* and roll my eyes when my fave bloggers haven't written in like four days, and here I am, four days since my last entry. snickersnort Shame on me.
Well, there is a very good reason for the lapse in writing. I was actually trying to keep myself from melting into a panic-stricken, snot running, eyes streaming, puddle of bleah (or puddle of Beth) after going on line to look at medical sites about some symptoms I'd been having for quite sometime and have finally gotten too painful literally and figuratively (as in ass). I won't bore you or gross you out with the details, but in short, every symptom I have brings up.... dum da da DUM.... Breast Cancer. So, I thusly freaked and called the GP that Hubby has seen, fully expecting to get the "We'll see you in six to eight weeks" spiel, but no, they had to further panic me and tell me to come in the next day. Huh?!? Argh! *gulp* *whimper* Well, long story short, I went in, he doesn't believe it to be cancerous (he mentioned perhaps still wanting to do a breast ultrasound... maybe it's pregnant? woo hoo! Hubby will love that. Little baby breasteses running around) and is sending me to a dermatologist who may or may not want to do surgery. So, in a nutshell, that's been my week so far.
On a lighter note, Vickie Howell mentioned my blog on her site! How cool is that? Well, okay, so it's typo'd, but I left the correct address in her comment thingy. Anyway, I still think it's pretty damn cool.
Also, another reason I've been MIA is I got my invite to Ravelry and promptly got sucked in. LOVE IT!! Can't... seem....to...resist......gotta go! Peace, love, and chicken grease.
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