Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Talk about your HEAT WAVE, eh? *snort*

I am not complaining, mind you. I am ready to throw open these windows and air out the months and months of stale winter air (and stinky Mouth and Booga socks, LOL). Spring can't come fast enough as far as I am concerned. I can hardly wait to be able to just holler "GO OUTSIDE BEFORE YOU DRIVE ME COMPLETELY MAD!!!!" or "Enough television dammit!!! Go PLAY!!!!" and my personal favorite "If you want to run, GO RUN OUTSIDE!" (That one is said nearly everyday, LOL. They do laps in my living room. *sigh*)

Well, in knitting news, I have been doing some of this:

And this:

With some of this thrown in for good measure:

The top is a pair of lace socks I started called Blackrose by Suzi Anvin. Love the pattern. The yarn is STR in Blarney Stone. ADORE the yarn, LOL. I just hope I have enough to finish them, since that color is going on vaycay at BMFA. :(

The middle is a beanie I did for Hubby. Yes, beanie. Not a beanie with a propeller thingy, but like a skullcap I guess. Now that he has shaved his noggin, it fits ever sdo much better.

The bottom is a pair of fingerless mitts that I did for myself in STR Farmhouse. I made them to keep my hands warm while on the puter since it gets so frickin' cold in this damn apartment. I hate cold hands.

I also finished my moms socks which I will post at a later date.

Speaking of Mom, she's not doing so hot. She got the stomach flu that was going around (which I was lucky enough to get as well, but not nearly as bad as she did) and is having problems with her incision sites as well. Not good. Then, the icing on the cake, she got an eye infection and the doctor that looked at it said she may have glaucoma. Can you really be serious?!?! I mean, really. This woman has gone through enough in her life, can't she catch a friggin' break???

I am trying desperately to keep thoughts positive, but this is getting to be ridiculous. Truly. I wish I could do more to help her stay strong and positive. She is not in a good place right now. I try to make jokes and keep her laughing because she has told me that really helps her, but I don't know how much it helps now. If at all.

This too shall pass, right?


The Author said...

It's 48 degrees here too and we are talking about how cold it is! We're getting snow.

Anonymous said...

i was so excited about the warm weather! it got up in the 60's here the other day!

ihope your mom gets better soon :(