Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What do ya'll think????

Would it be totally insane to consider selling ones own plasma, eggs, hair, fillings, kidneys, or what-not to buy the new colors that will be emerging from Blue Moon Fiber Arts soon?


It would?


That's what I get for asking.

*sigh* I can't get a damn job to save my life and I am having seriously-bad-covety-green-eyed-monster thoughts as I look at some blogs that I read.

*weeps bitterly* I wanna go to Sock Camp and Sock Summit and Stitches Midwest!

*throws self on floor and kicks feet*

*sniffle* Okay. I'm alright now.


No, my eyes are normally hazel, why do you ask?

1 comment:

Mela said...

I don't know, if I weren't anemic and terrified of needles I might sell my plasma to buy more Kreinik!