Sunday, December 23, 2007

Snow, ravioli, and rumps

Man, I really need to try and write more often on this thing. I think because as of late, my life has consisted of diapers and burgers, and it'll more or less be a bitch-fest, I have avoided doing so. Oh well, here goes nothing.

Hmmm. Well, we finally finished shopping for the boys Friday, and have wrapping in secret after they go to bed for the last couple nights. I can't wait to see their little faces on Christmas morning. Preferably, after six a.m. But, I shall not be holding my breath. Then, it's breakfast, showers, and off to my sisters for the traditional homemade Christmas Ravioli Feast. Hey, we're Italian. You do turkey or ham, we do pasta. Yum. Ravioli, sausage, good crusty bread, and all the cookies and fudge I can stuff in my face. I can't wait, hee hee!

It snowed, then warmed up and melted, and now today, we got dumped on AGAIN. It was interesting watching the nasty stuff blowing around outside work tonight. We had a total of MAYBE a dozen cars from 5:30 (when I got there) until 9:45 (when I got to go home; early I might add. YAY!) and probably three inches of snow and ice.

For Christmas Eve, I'm making pork loin roast, mashed spuds, gravy, corn, and crescent rolls for dinner. I ADORE pork roast. Crusted in garlic salt, the fat on top gets all crispy and yummy. (Wow, I am actually salivating a la Homer Simpson. "Mmm, pork roast! Gaaagllllalalaa."

I finished my dishcloth gift and I am so glad. I have actually come to feel Sock Knitting Withdrawal symptoms. I was jonesing earlier and fiercely considered calling in just so I could knit on it! Wow, this is a sickness. But I like it...

My darling Hubby busted his rump yesterday, moving Booga's crib into Mouth's room and getting it all set up. *sniff* My baby! He's moved out of our room! *sob* The time is flying, I swear!!!

Hubby also busted his rump today, getting laundry done for me while I was at work. He's so good! He did dishes and even made me a pitcher of iced tea!!! What a keeper!!

Well, my hands are aching to the lack of typing usage and the cold, so I'm gonna go crawl in bed. Later, Gator.

Monday, December 17, 2007

And Jill came tumbling after...

and ended up in an ungraceful heap of limbs and curse words.

Yup, I have yet again downed a bottle of graceful pills and gone cartwheeling around my apartment. Yesterday, I tried (that being the operative word here) to step over the baby gate that blocks off the entryway and kitchen (aforementioned gate now being called, "that Mother*#%&!ing piece of *#%$") and caught my toe once again, sending me hurtling towards the floor, only to catch my foot AGAIN on a nearby tote (keeps Booga from opening the Mother*&%#!ing piece of *&$%) and wrenched my back, leg, and side. Pleasant. Yes, folks, please do not attempt this at home, as I am a trained clumsy ass, and only trained clumsy asses should attempt stunts like this.

Well, I attempted to go to work last night and survived two and a half hours before limping away like a kicked dog (I even whimpered a couple times). Honestly though, I never had any idea how hard it is to lean in and out of the window handing out drinks and taking money. I have never been in pain like that before. (My darling husband met me at the door with a half a pain pill in hand) I swear, every time I hurt myself, I push my pain tolerance threshold to new levels. I know Hubby is rolling his eyes and thinking, "Sure. Just an excuse to call in", but no, really. If I had a morphine drip, I'd be mashing that button like nobodies business. This morning, it sang me an aria as I picked Booga up to change him and now I would really like to go to bed and stay there for the rest of my life. I really try to put on a funny show and downplay things if I can, but this is hard to do right about now. At least I can tell you guys and not have an eye roll. Or feel like a puss.

I may be a puss and a wuss, but hey.

At least I can knit.

Friday, December 14, 2007

This is the week that never ends....

Yes, it goes on and on my friends....

Remember the show that had Lambchop the puppet and Miss Sheri? I do. And I'll never forget the theme song. I used to drive my mom NUTSO singing it. I think it was called, "The Song That Never Ends." Good times.

Anyway, I only have a quick sec to write before I get Mouth on the bus, so I figured I'd come and regale you with my tales of woe. This has been the week from HELL at work. Long shifts, a lazy day crew, which means never ceasing cleaning at night for us, and guilt trips for not being bamboozled into coming in early.

I showed up Monday to find the owner there, "helping out where needed", which translates to getting all up in my shit and taking over my computer and call box and shoving food out the window before I know what's happening and expecting me to be all grateful for the "help". Sheah. I actually heard him say at on point,"Well, I want YOU on the computer and I'll get the drinks so you can gain more experience and be more efficient." Oh, no you did NOT! So, I gritted my teeth, shoving cash in the till, and ground out, "I can be more efficient BY MYSELF, with no one over my shoulder, thank you very much. I do just fine ON MY OWN." I figured I'd receive a call the next morning saying I needn't come in anymore, but I didn't. Damn.

Last night, we were SLAMMED until exactly 10:50 pm (we close at 11), so no pre-close could be done, meaning we were gonna be there til 2. Well, I gotta be out by 12, so Hubby can go to work. So at 11pm, the lights went out, and I got crackin'. I scurried every where, cleaning, wiping down, and then I got started on the dishes. Ew. There were crazy dishes left from day shift, so, at midnight when I left, there were still tons to do. *shaking head*

Then, there's the availability thing. I say 5:30 to Midnight. They try for 5pm. They try for 1am. Am I speaking Chinese? Mandarin, maybe? NO!

I love my job, I love my job, I love my job.

If I say it enough, will it be true?

No new knitting. Same socks, frogged a bit and redone heel flap, wish I had more time to work on it.

Man, I need a job, where I get paid to sit on my ass and knit. Perfect.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


The title of this blog is "Whoa!" and it is to be said aloud with the inflection of Joey from "Blossom". (Come on, you know how to do it, I know you do!)

The reason why it is named so is because I cannot believe that it is frickin' December already!!!! I mean, really, where has the damn year of 2007 gone?! Last thing I knew, it was 2006, I was pregnant with Booga, had Booga, ate turkey (he was born in November), ate home-made ravioli (our family traditional Christmas dinner--I'm Italian) and then BOOM!! We are here in Michigan and it's freakin' Christmas again! (Imagine a cartoon double-take here)

What the F*!#!?!?!

Man, the women in my family weren't kidding when they said that time will start flying once of the kids is in school. That is the God's honest truth! There are days that I seriously have to look at the calendar just to tell what day it is and I am usually flabbergasted by what day it actually is! Meaning, I thought it was Tuesday and it's really Thursday.

I tell you, I really need to stop and smell the roses more often and take joy in the everyday because before I know it, my boys are going to be going off to college, then married and I'll be left standing, thinking,

"What the F*!#!?!?!"

Anyway, in knitting news, I have finished the first sock of my first magic loop pair, and I must say, I am feeling rather clever. I actually had the disgustingly conceited thought, "I am so smart! I managed to change a regular 4DPN pattern into a magic loop pattern and painstakingly figured out the gusset and heel all by myself!!!" Then I realized that there are probably thousands of knitters out there thinking, "Okay, Dummy, we figured that out ages ago. You're not so sharp, Cupcake." Plus, I went on Ravelry and asked a sock group if they had any tips or tricks that might help. I must say, there are many, many kind, helpful, funny, and thoughtful people in that community! I love it and everyone on it, LOL! (They all helped me feel clever and smart)

I actually bought my first hank of hand dyed yarn yesterday! *Rapture!* I have to admit, it's a bit pricey for my tight budget, but it's gorgeous and I got to use some of my check for it. (We're using most of it for grocery supplementing) And I got a new pair of addi Turbo's! WOO HOO!!!!! I had the lady at the shop wind the hank into a ball for me, and I almost giggled out loud at the coolness of those gadgets called a ball winder and swift. If I had the use for one I'd run out and buy one right away! (I am a dork, I admit it) Anyhoo, I really like the look of the ball of yarn that comes off the winder. Much neater than the skeins. I may take a picture and post it, I like it so much.....

And you're all probably standing there saying,

"What the F*!#?!?!"

Friday, November 30, 2007

No Woman, No Cry

Why is it that listening to the great Bob Marley can put you in the greatest of moods? I'm not smokin' the stuff that would go REALLY good with the tunes, yet I feel light and happy all of a sudden. I love my MP3 player. Plug in and groove (hoping that no one notices the whitest white girl in the world bopping like a spaz to the fab reggae playing in her ears) to my hearts content. *sigh* I am so glad it's just Hubby in the room, LOL!

Well, I am truckin' right along on my new pair of socks (Lana Grossa yarn) and happy as a lark doing so. However, there is an evil dishcloth in my knitting cabinet that is leaving me mean little notes and threats of great bodily harm if I don't pick it up and finish it BEFORE Christmas. Little rat bastard. I hate knitting on it. It is a gift, and I do need to finish it, but the thing feels so cumbersome in my hands now, after knitting with fingering weight yarn and 3mm addis! *sigh* I suppose I have to bite the bullet and just do it or the F-er will cut me in my sleep or something.

I get the weekend off, due to the new store not opening on time. I worked Monday, had Tues, Wed, Thurs off. I was supposed to go in tonight and tomorrow night 6-12am, but they need their inspection, so I am off til at least Monday, possibly Tuesday. Cool with me. i want the dough, but it's nice to be able to spend some time with my Man and Monkeys.

"Let's get together and feel alright..."

I love this man's music.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Calgon, take me away......

Ever have one of those days that you just want to crawl back into bed and not wake up for six months or so? Yeah, it's one of those days here for me. Or, I should say, one of those weeks.

Not for lack of sleep, mind you, Hubby has graciously let me sleep WAY in the last few days. It's Mouth. He's had a rotten week, thus I have had a rotten week. He was good this morning until I got up. He watched endless T.V. this morning (Hubby was doing dishes and laundry, that sainted man) and so when I got up I figured I'd watch 30 Minute Meals. WRONG-O, Momma. That was the beginning. He said he was hungry, I made fish sticks. He likes fish sticks. With ketchup. But, no, Momma wasn't the mind reader and had no idea it would set off nuclear holocaust. Forty-five minutes later, he's still staring at the damned plate full of fish sticks. Which is actually, only four, cut in thirds. No where near the entire freakin' swordfish you would think I was trying to force him to eat.

*sigh* There isn't enough freaking Paxil and Boone's Farm to fix this week.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Boom, baby! First paycheck (actually got it last Thursday, but have been lazy about posting lately) and loving it! It's gone now, but loved while it lasted, LOL.

Well, I have spent most of my time as of late as Fry Bitch. Yuck. I come home smelling like I did a swan dive into the fryer and my face and hair greasy beyond belief. So, I am up to at least two showers a day on work days. Sometimes three. *sigh* Well, isn't cleanliness close to godliness? We're close. Wow, me and God, man, me and God. We must be tight, with all these showers.

Anyway. My mom broke her foot last Sunday. Falling up my sisters back stairs. She's lucky all she broke was her foot. She's 65, living with leukemia, survived bladder cancer, and has had four heart attacks. This woman wound up in a heap on the stairs, with her leg bent back behind her and sitting on it. All she ended up with was a chipped and cracked bone. I know, that's not nothing, but it's better than what could have happened. A fractured femur, broken hip, another heart attack.... ugh. AND she has a blood clot in her groin. Bloody hell, can't she catch a break (I swear, no pun intended)? I mean, really. This is all she needs. And I really hate having to worry all the time about it breaking loose and travelling somewhere serious like her heart or brain or something. I am a worry wort by nature and this is driving me up the fucking wall. I love my mom dearly and worry about her health constantly.

And in other news, I have completed the Berry socks and have moved onto Christmas washcloths (presents) and another pair of socks. hee hee. I love knitting socks. I like the yarn, I like the needles (I'm using an Addi Turbo circular needle to do Magic Loop) and I like the little bitty stitches.

Well, I should go, cuz Booga keeps trying to wake up.

P.S. Happy Turkey Day!!!!! Gobble Gobble!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's Snowing!!!!!!!!

Must....resist......putting up....Christmas.....decorations.......

Don't...sucumb... to the..... yuletide cheer......


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I Got My Game On

Well, it's been a while since my last post, mainly because there hasn't been a ton of stuff happening around here. Booga had his 1st Birthday Party this past Saturday, and it was pretty good. Just my Mom, my sister and her family, and my aunt & uncle came. Small, but cozy. I actually prefer smaller parties, cuz you can visit a bit more than if you're trying to wrangle kids and thirty guests at the same time. We made Booga a mini no-bake cheesecake for his own personal cake to dive into, and ordered a bakery cake for everyone else. Poor guy. Sucks having an egg allergy. But, hey, he didn't seem to mind the least little bit. He ate almost the whole mini cheesecake, finger scoop by finger scoop. :)

Things at Checkers are going well. I had a few moments when I wanted to dunk my head in the fryer and put myself out my misery last week, but things are looking up this week. I've been doing Low-side window (they have a passenger side drive thru that isn't as busy, thus "Low-Side") all by my lonesome and doing fryer during slow times. Got the fryer thing down pat and I was on my game tonight on the window. All in all, a good night. (A whole 2 1/2 hours. Still the training schedule) And payday is Thursday. I love me some dough. Gimme the greenies.

Still not done on the Berry sock. I pick it up, work three rounds and put it down. Maybe I'm burnt out on the pattern. It's the only one that I've made that is big enough for my hippo legs. I started one not too long ago (with the Berry yarn) and did three inches of the cuff before I realized, "Hmmm. This minuscule tube will not even fit over the wide part of my foot, let alone my rhino calf." Rrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiippppppppp.

I hate frogging.

I realize, of course, that I shouldn't give up on the patterns, maybe try them on a larger needle size. I suck at math, so increasing the stitch count is out. Hm. Maybe that's what I'll do with the next pair. I do have a new skein of sock yarn (I bought it months ago) calling me.........

P.S. Hubby has a new blog! Check it out here

Friday, November 9, 2007

"Mom-mom, what's that smell?"

Those were the words Mouth uttered upon my return from work tonight. He and Hubby were in Mouth's bed, reading the Target Toy Catalog (his favorite read around the holidays), so I joined them for a good-night kiss before hitting the shower.

He smiled and said," Hi, Momma! I missed you." beat "Mom-mom, what's that smell?" I couldn't help but grin and reply, "That would be me, Baby. Stinky, huh?" He nodded and said matter-of-factly, "Yeah." God love him.

Yup, I do perfume a room when I get home. Hot fryer shortening-stink just clings to me, head to toe. Yumm-o. SHEAH.

Anyhoo, I actually got a call from that Red Store that I applied to. Dammit, they are only hiring seasonal. I wanted the interview, and I should have taken it, but the fear of not having a paycheck at the end of two months made me say, "Thank you, no." ARGH!!!!! I wish they had called a week and a half ago.

Well, Booga's party is tomorrow, and I am looking forward to it. I just wish I didn't have to go in tomorrow nite. Oh well.

Nothing else really new, kiddies. I hope to finish the second Berry Sock in the next couple days, and then onto Christmas presents.....

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Nobody Followed Me Home.....

even though I totally smelled like a french fry.

I didn't get to be Window Girl today. I had to turn my hat around and be her greasy twin sister, Fry Bitch. I got to work and it was busy, and a couple people went home early, so I was instructed by the manager on duty to do fries and stuff. He had no idea that I had no idea how to do it. But, I jumped in with both feet and figured it out. When I wasn't sure of something, I asked. No big. I think I was a pretty okay Fry Bitch. Once I got in the groove and figured out the timer thing, no prob.

COULD NOT WAIT for a shower when I got home, LOL.

I can tell already this job is gonna be hell on my complexion. I swear, I've broken out more lately at 29 than I ever did at 16. Go figure. God damn hormones. Now add fryer shortening on top of that, and POW!!! Zit City. (Eww, what a thought. Zit City....)

Well, Booga turns one tomorrow. *sniff* My bubby!! Seems only yesterday that he was tiny. Well, his tiny was 8 lbs. 15 oz. Now he's like, 27 lbs. I can't believe it's been a year, though. Crazy.

Well, kiddies, that's it for now.

Peace, love, and fryer grease.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Da-da-da-DA! It's Window Girl!

Yes, Folks, that's right! It's Window Girl! (That would be me) Taking orders and punching them in at cold molasses speed while over filling your drinks; it's Window Girl! Making sure to give you a sweet smile and incorrect change; it's Window Girl! Wearing the protective adamantium hairnet and groovy hat; it's Window Girl!

No, really, I am Window Girl. That's what I call myself, anyway. That's what job I get to do at Checkers, and I dig it. Truly. I poke fun and everything, but I think I could do okay at this. It's a little daunting at first, having to take orders, punch them in and fill drinks at the same time while listening for more order, but I think once I get in the groove, no prob.

So far, the people are nice. I felt a tad OLD, as the girl that was training me will be nineteen in three weeks. She is really nice; explaining things as many times as I needed. (I had issues with some of the button combinations needed to get the order right)

All in all, definitely do-able.

On to knitting news... nothing new, actually. I've knit a total of four inches of the cuff for the second Berry sock and feel Second Sock Syndrome creeping in. That means, for the non-knitters out there, that I finished one sock of a pair and either have started and fizzled or dread starting its mate. I've started it, and have reached the point of not digging it so much. I think it's just cuz I wasn't feeling 100% today and my hands are achy with the weather change.

Aha! Weather. Michigan weather, to be precise. It is now winter. I have declared it. It was grey, rainy, sleety, and COLD today and I am loving it. Except for the bitter wind that was freezing poor Mouth as we walked in from the parking lot to the grocery store. Poor guy still has the desert thin blood and because he doesn't eat a lot, he's THIN, thus no insulation. Wish I could give him some of my, ahem, insulation. Blubber, whatever.

The wintry weather must have freezer burned part of my brain, though, because I was considering taking down the fall decorations and getting out some of the winter ones. NOT NECESSARILY CHRISTMAS, but winter. Okay, maybe some Christmas.

Sue me.

I'll beat you with my greasy apron.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Sock Pictures

Yay me!! I hope this actually works! I am attempting to post the pics that I promised.

This is the pair of socks that I am currently working on. It's Trekking XXL, color 153, in a basic, ribbed, cuff-down sock. Mmmm, love this yarn. Reminds me of berries, like I said before.

These are the socks that I made for my sister. LOVE the yarn. It's Tofutsies, which I adore, and I love the color way. Well, that's all for now, kiddies. Gotta go play with the boys!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Snots and socks

Okay, I am over my bitterness of the rotten day that was Friday. Today wasn't tons better, but at least there was no nasty water to clean up, LOL.

Poor Booga is coming down with a cold. I feel so bad when they are so little and get a boogery nose and stuffy head. It makes it hard to eat, since breathing through your mouth and chewing is hard to do at the same time. (Is that proper grammar? Shane? Do you know? Should that be is hard to do or are hard to do? Ugh. Luna? Anyone? I hate being OCD about grammar and spelling.)

Anyhoo, today was a pretty nondescript Sunday. Knit and finished one sock. I love the yarn. It reminds me of berries. I am not terribly 'puter savvy, so I don't know how to post pics in the middle of my blog yet. As soon as I can, I will post a pic of said sock and also the socks that I finished for my sister. I made a nifty sock blocker out of a wire hanger that I had to nab from the locker room of my gym. (NOT STEALING, it was left on the floor) It's funny, I threw wire hangers away by the fistfuls when we moved a couple years ago, and here I am scrounging to find some! (I always hear Faye Dunaway screaming, "NO WIRE HANGERS, EV-AH!" from Mommie Dearest. Love that flick) Oh, uh, for the non-knitters, a sock blocker is a thingy that you, after hand washing your newly knit sock, slide the still damp sock onto to dry. It is a sock shaped piece of plastic, wood, or in my case, a wire hanger that helps the pattern of your sock stretch a bit and show nicely when giving it as a gift. Not really needed, but I like the way it makes my new sock look. I can show it off better.

Wow, wasn't that fascinating?

How's this for a boring post? Nothing really earth shattering going on the world of me. Not today, anyway.

I start work tomorrow. Kinda nervous. I hate meeting new people. I shouldn't say hate, more like dread. It makes me terribly nervous and almost panicky. I put on a good show, though, and muddle through. Anyway, I work Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 5:30 to 8:00 pm. It's just training. I'm a bit bummed that I have to work Saturday cuz it's the day we're having Booga's birthday party. It'll be fine though, plenty of time for party and visiting after.

I can't believe my baby is gonna be 1 year old on Thursday.

Where the hell has the time gone?





Saturday, November 3, 2007


Bleah. I, after having a day that sucked from HELL, decided that a few shots (two doubles and three singles) of my beloved Aftershock would make it all better.

And it did.

Until this morning.

Now, mind you, I am not hung-over in the puking my guts out and placing my face on the cool bathroom tile sense, but in the I really wanted to sleep until at least three and have a just shy of skull cracking headache. And I'm crabby. But that's my natural state. Just ask Hubby.

Well, our day that sucked from HELL started with getting up to get Mouth off to school. As I was sitting, enjoying my coffee (while Hubby took Mouth to the bus stop) I kept hearing this sound, like water dripping. So I got up to investigate, and it got louder, like someone peeing! I thought, okay, there's a peeing gnome in my washroom closet.... I opened the door to the closet and there was a HUGE puddle of water in the floor and water streaming from the ceiling, out of the furnace and down the walls.

You can imagine the stream of expletives that left my lips at that moment. I'm just glad Mouth wasn't witness. "My Mommom (that's what he calls me) said @*#%&!!!!! this morning."

We had water dripping all over the kitchen and filling up the light fixture. And I don't mean nice, clean, clear water, I mean rust colored, nasty water. YUCKO!! Anyway, apparently, the people that live above us are never there and their hot water tank burst. Didn't spring a little leak. BURST. So, the two inches of water that was in their kitchen filtered on down to mine. Isn't that just grand?!

Anyway, that got cleaned up (of course any clean up in here is up to us. Bastards.) and when Hubby got home, we had to do the grocery thing.

I hate that store. It always puts me in a foul mood. They never have what I need, except in the giant three pound size that I don't want. Who wants three pounds of navy beans? Not me. All I want is one pound so I can make Mom's Navy Bean soup. (It is so good. Navy beans, smoked ham hocks, onion, YUM! Corn bread on the side... a cold weather fave!!!!!!) No fresh croissants. They'd all been boxed up. In half dozen containers. They get soggy when boxed. I only wanted two. (Bought some anyway. Soggy or not, I wanted some!!) No wipes for the cart. (had to walk down to the other entrance to get one) Crap rang up wrong on the receipt. And...


Does anyone else see a problem with this? I am in no way a humbug. I LOVE Christmas. I just don't love it on Halloween! We went into the store on Halloween to buy some make up for trick-or-treating and they were putting up Christmas stuff already! And yesterday, the candy was all out along with dishes and tablecloths and stuff.

Come on. The day after Thanksgiving, yes. Halloween? NO. *sigh*

I need some Excedrin.

Monday, October 29, 2007

I Got Me a Job

Well, it finally happened. I got me a job. Officially. Filled out the tax paperwork and everything. It's kinda funny how it happened. I was driving past this place Friday (the 26th)and there was a sign out front that said "Now Taking Applications". (It's like, literally, two minutes from the apartment) I figured what the hell, stop in and fill one out real quick. Had my first interview and the gal said, "you'll probably hear from me Monday". I thought, "and I'll hold my breath til then."

See here for explanation of this cynicism.

Lo, and behold while I was at the gym this morning, she called! When I got home, Hubby said, "Hey! They called! They want you to call them back." WOO-HOO! Sure enough, she wanted to do a second interview! Holy Crap. So I go down there and she says, "Let's skip the BS, I know I want to hire you. Here, fill out the paperwork and welcome to the team."

Right on.

So, kiddies, yours truly is now a Checkers employee. Yessiree, I am officially a burger-flipper-in-training. I get the cool hat and apron and everything. Smokin'! Man, I'll never get the kids to leave me alone, now. I am going to smell like a french fry. I'll be like the Pied Piper, with a trail of kids following me. "Hey, do you smell that? Mmm, french fries...."

All joking aside, I am immensely relieved to have gotten something finally. It may not be my first choice, but hey, they called when no one else did and we need the dough. So....

Welcome to Checkers! May I take your order?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Workin' Out....

...and whining about it later!

Well, Hubby and I have finally taken the plunge and joined the local gym. Yay!!! We've been saying for a long while (and several pounds) that we both need to start doing something about our weight and health, seeing as we both want to be here for our boys in the future. So, we went yesterday to sign up and today was my first workout.

Wanna see my muscles? *Rrrrr* There. I flexed for you. What? You couldn't see them? Oh, that's because they're hiding under all the flubber. And they have curled up in tears at the strain I inflicted on them today. You would be proud. Remember weight training? I swear, I heard Coach Gibbs shouting about Lizardheads and taking it on in.... I dunno. Anyhoo, you would be proud cuz I did upper, lower AND cardio. They have wicked cool weight machines at this place. My only problem is I did my workout in reverse. I did upper, then lower and then cardio. By the time I climbed limply onto the elliptical machine, my legs were screaming, "Bitch, you CRAZY!" So, cardio was cut depressingly short by an uncooperative bod. So, tomorrow, I will do cardio first and then weights. If I can get out of bed, that is...

My ass hurts.
My back hurts. (this may be also from actually falling out yesterday. Way crazy dizzy spell, and next thing I know, THWAP! Right on my ass on the linoleum. Scared the crap out of me AND Hubby.)
My quads hurt.

Ooh, but it's a good hurt.

Also in breaking news, my darling, loving, thoughtful, kick-ass Hubby bought me an MP3 player for motivation to work out!!!! I am so excited! I got the software loaded and got it charged, now I just need him to show me how to do the ripping thing for the music. I am not too techno savvy, so I will need help figuring it out. Woo-hoo!

We took Mouth and Booga to the apartment complexes Halloween party tonight, which was kinda fun and kinda lame. The haunted house would have been cool had I not turned into a total horror wuss while preggers with Mouth. I walked through by myself VERY close to a lady that had her kids with her (the monsters didn't jump out and scare to keep the kids *and me* from freaking) and couldn't wait to get out. Man, what the hell?! I used to LOVE this stuff! I can't watch scary movies (the scariest thing I can handle is SAW III) or hear a chainsaw without cowering like a three year old! (and some three year olds might look at me and say, "Grow up, Lady.") Luckily, they didn't have a chainsaw, (I might have wet myself) but they did have a power drill. Gave me chills, but no loss of bladder control. Anyway, Mouth got to have some cheesy poofs and brownies (what a combo!) and then we went on a hayride.

The hayride consisted of a pickup hauling a flat trailer with bails of hay on it. Not bad, really. It was cold, but hey, it is October in Michigan. So far, pretty good. Mouth and Booga were diggin' it. Now, throw in a handful of OBNOXIOUS fifth graders (yes, fifth graders) and it becomes the hayride from Hell. I swear, had I been that rude and obnoxious when I was that age, I would not be writing now, I would be worm food. Well, maybe not, but I would have needed extensive dental work at least. Bridges, caps, full plates, I dunno. Anyway, these were the mouthiest and loudest kids I have ever seen! it made my skin crawl at the thought of my boys turning into that. Nope, no way. Not happening. I felt for they guys that were in charge of the ride cuz you could tell they wanted to tell the kids to take a flying leap, but had to hold their tongue.

Where's a chainsaw wielding maniac when you need one? (oops, I gotta pee...)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Long Lost Friend and New Yarn

I am so excited right now. I was finally able to track down the most important person in my high school life. (Oh my gawrsh, I sound like some psycho stalker! Oooh, maybe I am....) My bestest friend (she will be called Carrie, and she will probably roll her eyes and snicker at the reference that only she will understand) and I lost contact mainly through fault that is mine own; that would be laziness regarding emails and IM's and self inflicted isolation due to depression and all sorts of toxic feelings. It kills me that I let our friendship peter off like that when she is one of the most important people to me. Okay, enough mush. We had the best time together in HS (at least I did) in the small burg that was Deming, New Mexico, a.k.a. the Armpit of the Earth. (I hated it) We wrote many, many stories and poems, and ate lots of Salsa Rio Doritos and drank gallons of Mountain Dew. (in case you haven't noticed, I have a memory like an elephant about details like that, however, I cannot tell you what I ate for lunch today or yesterday...) Bleah, enough blabbering on. She's awesome, I've missed her, and I hope to keep our friendship on track this time, LOL.

BTW, her blog is here.

Okay, now I ask, how cool is this: I got in the mail today, a skein of Vickie Howell's Love yarn! I am in love! It's a gorgeous silvery grey and super silky soft. Now I have to figure out what the heck to do with it! The gremlin in my head is shrieking "HOARD IT!!!!! KEEPS IT! TAKES IT OUT AND FONDLE IT ONCE IN A WHILE, BUT KEEPS IT!!!!" Yes the gremlin in my head sounds a bit like Gollum. Go figure.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Shut Up and Knit

I love that phrase. Hubby said it jokingly to me this afternoon as we were watching a movie and I said something that was my usual smart-assedness. Didn't even blink or twitch, just out with, "Shut up and knit." snickersnort Hee hee, love it! I think I shall re-name my blog that. SHUT UP AD KNIT. Has a ring, don'tcha think?

Do you have a relative that you love dearly, but at the same time wish you could slap the ever-loving shit out of? I do. She shall be henceforth referred to as.... uh....hmm. Well, Mom, I guess. Ha! You don't know her and can't tell her what I'm about to rant about! HaHA! No really, I do adore my mom. She's the kindest person I have ever met, but is still kinda stuck in the 50's. Old school values (nothing wrong with that) and VERY old school beliefs. That, I have been battling against my whole life. Take for instance, I called her to tell her of Mouth's results (See here) and she was like "Okay, but really, don't turn this into a thing where you make excuses for him and his behavior. he still needs discipline." DUH! And then, "You know when we were in AZ (she stayed with us for 6 months after Booga was born to help) and he was acting out with the screaming and hitting and kicking, I never saw any discipline that did anything to him. What he really needed was a good ol' ass swatting. Forget this time out crap."

Okay. (deep breath, Beth) Please please please, I don't care who you are, don't tell me how to raise my frickin' kids! I am doing the best that I can with a sometimes difficult child without resorting to beatings! Gimme a friggin' break. Mouth can be hard to discipline because he has no currency. Meaning, spankings don't work. Time out doesn't work. No TV doesn't work. Going to bed early doesn't work. When I say doesn't work, I mean there is no change in the offending behavior. He's back at it first chance he gets or if something triggers it. *sigh* I love my son and yes, there are times when I lose my temper and want to explode, but I do not and will not EVER beat my child into submission. Now, please don't take this as I'm saying my mother beat us. NO WAY, NO HOW, SHE DID NOT! I think it was one or two spankings in our life TOTAL . And that was three swats on the tush with a bare hand. That was all it took. We shaped up and didn't do it again. Mouth isn't wired that way. He's different. I just don't think she gets that.

I know she means well, but really. Come on, educate yourself and try to be understanding before you pass judgement on how I'm raising my sons.

P.S. Stew-boy, I have a pattern for your jaunty tam o' whatever. *ominous chuckle* What color do you want?

Friday, October 19, 2007

Mouth's Appointment Results

For those of you that don't know our family, our eldest son, Mouth, has had some issues with some delays in development, I guess you could say. When he was screened for preschool in AZ, he was placed in special ed. due to a significant speech delay (he was tongue tied at birth), some motor delays and social delays. He is doing much better, but has had some large problems with tolerance to frustration and "behavioral issues". His school in AZ mentioned possible Aspberger's Syndrome, which is on the Autism Scale. So, when we moved up here, we took him to the BRAINS Institute and had him screened. We found out today, he does not appear to have Aspberger's, but instead has Dyspraxia, which is a Sensory Processing Disorder. Now, I don't know exactly what that means, as I have to further educate myself about it (thank God for the Internet), but from what I gathered at our meeting, he has problems telling his body what to do or how to do things. For instance, his room is a disaster (which it often is, and so was mine when I was a kid) and I tell him to clean it up. He starts to and then gets upset, stating "I can't." I used to get angry and say,"Well, if you made the mess then surely you can clean it up." Well, today, I found out he really can't. It's too much stimuli (visually and conceptually) for him to handle and he shuts down. I will need to go in and sit with him and say,"Okay, pick up the puzzles and put them in their boxes. Now stack the boxes on the shelf. Gather up these guys and put them in their box. Put the costumes in the tote" and so on. One or two step instructions are key. And praise and thumbs up are HUGELY important.

It's scary because I don't know a lot about it yet, but I know that with our diligence as parents, Hubby and I will be able to give Mouth the help and encouragement he's going to need.

Okay, on a lighter note, I am still working on those socks for my sister. I've turned the heel and have started shaping the gusset on the second of the pair and can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. Woo-hoo! Then I need to get crackin' on the dishcloths I promised Mom for Christmas. I just realized tonight that I have, like, a dozen skeins or so of various colored dishcloth yarn (100% cotton) in my stash. Holy shee-it. That's a lot of friggin' dishcloths.

And I hate doing dishes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's been a while, eh?

Well, I have returneth. It's rather funny when I think that I *tsk* and roll my eyes when my fave bloggers haven't written in like four days, and here I am, four days since my last entry. snickersnort Shame on me.

Well, there is a very good reason for the lapse in writing. I was actually trying to keep myself from melting into a panic-stricken, snot running, eyes streaming, puddle of bleah (or puddle of Beth) after going on line to look at medical sites about some symptoms I'd been having for quite sometime and have finally gotten too painful literally and figuratively (as in ass). I won't bore you or gross you out with the details, but in short, every symptom I have brings up.... dum da da DUM.... Breast Cancer. So, I thusly freaked and called the GP that Hubby has seen, fully expecting to get the "We'll see you in six to eight weeks" spiel, but no, they had to further panic me and tell me to come in the next day. Huh?!? Argh! *gulp* *whimper* Well, long story short, I went in, he doesn't believe it to be cancerous (he mentioned perhaps still wanting to do a breast ultrasound... maybe it's pregnant? woo hoo! Hubby will love that. Little baby breasteses running around) and is sending me to a dermatologist who may or may not want to do surgery. So, in a nutshell, that's been my week so far.

On a lighter note, Vickie Howell mentioned my blog on her site! How cool is that? Well, okay, so it's typo'd, but I left the correct address in her comment thingy. Anyway, I still think it's pretty damn cool.

Also, another reason I've been MIA is I got my invite to Ravelry and promptly got sucked in. LOVE IT!! Can't... go! Peace, love, and chicken grease.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Long talks and the introduction of Mouth and Booga

Well, adoring fans, I have returned from my little runaway kinda weekend, and I could use another weekend to recover from the first one. Five-ish hours in a car down to Illinois for a giant pain in the butt, BS, legal matter just plain sucks buttermilk. (Add to that, a 2 1/2 hour round trip to collect my mom to watch Mouth and Booga. Bleah.)

Spending a little quality alone time with Hubby was faboo, as we got to have an actual conversation without being interrupted by a loud "I'm hungry" or "Booga is chewing on his toy!" (the latter in a tone clearly implying that this is in fact something that could very well end the world as we know it.)

Ah, who is Booga? Well, Booga is our 11-month old boy who can put the food away like nobodies business. And he chews on EVERYTHING. This kid has been teething since 2 months of age (I shit you not) and still has not popped a tooth yet. Unbelievable. It doesn't hinder his eating, that's for sure. He eats anything put in front of him. Pizza, pasta, smoked sausage, chicken, potatoes, pineapple, lint, food off the floor, his brother, paper... the list goes on and on.

Mouth is our five year old boy who has earned the name Mouth by using his. Constantly. Never-endingly. I thought I had a mouth for sass when I was a kid. Sheah. He puts me to shame. He's always got to have the last word (as do I, so this can go on for a while), talks back constantly, has taken to cursing, (the phrase that makes me wince, because I am supposed to be a Christian and it slips past my lips too often, is "G** D*** it!" Ack!!!! Bad Momma!!!!!!!). The big problem? It's been said at school. (Hanging my head in shame. Not ashamed of him, but of myself. He heard it from me, and kids will repeat what they hear at home.) And he has no currency. This meaning, we can take away T.V. No effect. Toys? Nope. Play time outside? Nyet. Books? Nuh-uh. A swat on the butt? We receive a dirty look and a guilty conscience, but no behavior change. *sigh* Now don't get me wrong, Mouth is by no means a beast. I adore him because he is the most loving, compassionate little boy I have ever met. (I may be biased, but I speak the truth) If one of us doesn't feel well, he's the first there with hugs and kisses. I laid on the floor to nap one Sunday afternoon while Hubby watched football, and Mouth got up out of his comfy chair, pulled a blanket out of its cubby, and covered me with it most quietly and tenderly. Made me sniffle with Momma-pride. He ADORES his little brother and even though he can get a little jealous, he is always watching out for Booga. We recently found out Booga has an allergy to eggs (I think the huge hives covering him were the first clue) and Mouth was worried sick the entire time Booga had the hives. He couldn't really put in words that he was worried, but his actions spoke volumes. He took VERY good care of Lil' Bro.

Anyway.... what was I talking about originally? Oh, conversation. I've missed it. It's so nice to talk to another adult and not have to include cartoon character names or speak in a sing-song. I have caught myself doing it anyway, much to Hubby's amusement. I actually said "Night-night, Baby" one evening when he was working nights. (He goes to bed at 7 or so in the evening, so I always go in and say goodnight.) I didn't just SAY it, I sang it in the Momma voice. It sounded like, "Ny-Niiiight, Bay-bee. " *sigh*

We actually talked after we turned out the lights for, like and hour and a half. It was awesome. It really felt like we reconnected. I didn't realize how much I missed Hubby! He hasn't gone away, but it's like, "Hey! Remember me? I'm your wife. Yeah, I know, I've been MIA a bit. You know, raising kids kinda puts Hubbies on that back burner, unfortunately. How've you been? Great! Yeah, we should definitely do this again! How's three years from now?"

Anyhoo, I should get some sleep, so later y'all!

P.S. Stewby-- DPNs are double pointed needles used for knitting round things, like socks, hats, gloves, etc. They come in various materials, like bamboo, aluminum, and plastic. I suppose you could eat them, bit I wouldn't want to be your gastroenterologist. Eek.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Job Hunting

Okay, so a part-time evening job is needed for some extra dough. So, that means filling out applications at various places that I wouldn't feel like skewering myself through the eye with a size four DPN after a shift. Hmmm. That would leave.... uh.... favorite craft store (HL), BIG well-known grocery store here in MI, and that store that has everything and everyone wears red.

So I filled out and dropped off an app at HL like a month ago. Uh, hullo? No call. Grr. You'd think that with my addiction to all things crafty and actual KNOWLEDGE of said things, they'd be jumping up and down to have someone like me. Nope. Apparently, they'd rather hire teenagers that look at you like you've got a second head when asked about the location of blocking pins. Fine. Scratch that one.

So, then, last week I went to a job fair at above mentioned grocer and did the app and got an interview on the spot. Cool. Seemed promising as the woman I spoke to (Gracious Lady K) wanted to do an immediate second interview, but alas, it was too late and there was on one available to do one. "We'll call you probably tomorrow to set up another interview." Woo-hoo!!!! Hopes up, crossed fingers..... no call. I call them. Get run around as who to talk to about app status (i.e., "talk to Bobbie-Sue tomorrow." Call for Bobbie-Sue. "She's not here." "Okay, when would be a good time to reach her?" "Next week. Vacation." ARGH!!!!) and then keep calling until I get someone real. He says (and I really want to give his name and tear him up one side and down the other, but I will refrain) "Great! Yes, I can do an interview Monday at 12:30." I agree and ask Hubby if he can come home for lunch to watch the boys on that day. He agrees, and I cross fingers and pray and light candles and do good luck dances and wear thirty rabbits feet until Monday. I get dressed up ( I shaved my legs and put on make-up dammit!!) and go in only to have the customer service gal call him and look at me like I'm crazy. "Are you sure you have an interview?" I nod. She relays my nod and hangs up. I stand there for ten minutes in shoes that are killing my feet, trying to look patient and relaxed when what I really want to do is sit down with a steaming cup of Starbucks and flip the customer service lady off as I sip. Then she comes up to me and says "Uh, he says he has no idea who you are, he did NOT speak you or set up this appt. and he can't find your app. Go fill out another one and speak to Gracious Lady K." Say WHAT!? Okay, did I just get sucked into "let's see if we can drive Beth insane world"? But I just nod and smile saying, okay, sure. Anyway, I talk to Gracious Lady K and she agrees to look for my app and give me a call. No call. So we have to pick up a few things tonight for dinner, and decide to go to that store. Lo, and behold, another job fair is going on. So I trek my big ol' butt back there to the corporate fairgrounds and wait to speak to someone. And wait. And wait. I see Gracious Lady K and make eye contact and smile.

I get tired of waiting (there are two tired kids and a hungry Hubby waiting for me) and grab the first Shirt that walks by. IT"S HIM!!!! The deny-I-spoke-to-you-to-try-and-make-you-think-you're-surely-losing-your-mind guy! I really wanna kick him in his balding pointed head, but just smile and say my name and ask if I can check the status of my app. He says "sure, let me take your number and I'll check and call you." Hiccup. I tell ya, I never needed a bottle of Boones Farm Strawberry Hill as bad as I did right at that moment. So, needless to say I get to play my favorite game of all, The Waiting Game. Yay.

*yawn* Well kiddies, it's time for me to hit the sack cuz I have to go get my mom in the AM to watch the boys for us Thurs and Fri. So, for all of my millions of readers out there, try not to weep as I miss a few days of posting. I shall return!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My very first blog entry

Hey there! This is my first attempt at blogging, and I am seriously wondering if there's even anyone out there who would want to read about lil' ol' me!

Hmmm... me. Well, I am a stay at home mom to two crazy boys; ages five and a half and eleven months. I am happily married to a gem of a guy (seven years!!! Yay, us!), and when I say gem, I mean it! Who else would put up with my schizophrenic hobby habits? I mean, I started out crocheting, then stamping, sewing, scrapbooking, cross-stitching, scrapping again, cross-stitching again, crocheting again, throw some quilting in there, and then add knitting. Ah, knitting! I started out on dishcloths, then scarves, and now socks. Hee hee! I love me some socks! And I am a self admitted yarn pig, yarn ho, whatever ya wanna call it. If there's sock yarn to be had, I'm gonna get it. Somehow. Come hell or high water, I WILL get it, heh. Poor Hubby. Had he only known of my expensive habits, he might not have wed this addict of all things crafty.

I have started on my fifth pair of socks; these being knit for my sister. The yarn is Tofutsies (LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!) and I'm doing it on 2.5 mm bamboo DPN's. Now I gotta tell ya, I am NOT loving the needles. They are way too bendy and have become warped in my hot little hands, causing me much sighing, wrinkling of the nose, cursing under breath, and thoughts of chucking them out the window. *sigh* Other than that, I am loving the way they are turning out. The colorway is a pretty variety of rose and pink shades (don't have the label in front of me, too lazy to get it) and I really dig how it's striping up. I might have to get me a ball of the same and then we'll, like, totally match! Heh.

Once I figure out how, I will try and post pics of said socks.

Well, my hands are getting snarky as this is the most I've typed in say, years, so I will close now. Hmmm. Wonder if anyone will read this...........