Tuesday, December 4, 2007


The title of this blog is "Whoa!" and it is to be said aloud with the inflection of Joey from "Blossom". (Come on, you know how to do it, I know you do!)

The reason why it is named so is because I cannot believe that it is frickin' December already!!!! I mean, really, where has the damn year of 2007 gone?! Last thing I knew, it was 2006, I was pregnant with Booga, had Booga, ate turkey (he was born in November), ate home-made ravioli (our family traditional Christmas dinner--I'm Italian) and then BOOM!! We are here in Michigan and it's freakin' Christmas again! (Imagine a cartoon double-take here)

What the F*!#!?!?!

Man, the women in my family weren't kidding when they said that time will start flying once of the kids is in school. That is the God's honest truth! There are days that I seriously have to look at the calendar just to tell what day it is and I am usually flabbergasted by what day it actually is! Meaning, I thought it was Tuesday and it's really Thursday.

I tell you, I really need to stop and smell the roses more often and take joy in the everyday because before I know it, my boys are going to be going off to college, then married and I'll be left standing, thinking,

"What the F*!#!?!?!"

Anyway, in knitting news, I have finished the first sock of my first magic loop pair, and I must say, I am feeling rather clever. I actually had the disgustingly conceited thought, "I am so smart! I managed to change a regular 4DPN pattern into a magic loop pattern and painstakingly figured out the gusset and heel all by myself!!!" Then I realized that there are probably thousands of knitters out there thinking, "Okay, Dummy, we figured that out ages ago. You're not so sharp, Cupcake." Plus, I went on Ravelry and asked a sock group if they had any tips or tricks that might help. I must say, there are many, many kind, helpful, funny, and thoughtful people in that community! I love it and everyone on it, LOL! (They all helped me feel clever and smart)

I actually bought my first hank of hand dyed yarn yesterday! *Rapture!* I have to admit, it's a bit pricey for my tight budget, but it's gorgeous and I got to use some of my check for it. (We're using most of it for grocery supplementing) And I got a new pair of addi Turbo's! WOO HOO!!!!! I had the lady at the shop wind the hank into a ball for me, and I almost giggled out loud at the coolness of those gadgets called a ball winder and swift. If I had the use for one I'd run out and buy one right away! (I am a dork, I admit it) Anyhoo, I really like the look of the ball of yarn that comes off the winder. Much neater than the skeins. I may take a picture and post it, I like it so much.....

And you're all probably standing there saying,

"What the F*!#?!?!"


Anonymous said...

I once called a 4DPN, and I sank their battleship. It was a great victory. I'm looking for a rematch, but I feel that the ship won't be in the same position as before.

Beth said...


Baby, you're the greatest!